Education and Presentations
TNCODC serves to provide education and awareness on the impact of co-occurring disorders on individuals, families, and communities.
TNCODC’s primary goal is to provide education and training resources to be used in local community public outreach opportunities as well as professional development for providers of behavioral health services.
If you are interested in complementing your community behavioral health outreach efforts by adding a presentation on the impact of co-occurring disorders, TNCODC has brief and intermediate presentations that may be of interest to your organization. A family supplement presentation is also available to further complement either of these presentations.
If you are interested in obtaining professional development related to co-occurring disorders, TNCODC has intermediate and advanced courses that may be of interest to you.
- BRIEF -- The TNCODC brief presentation is designed as a general-purpose medium for bringing about an awareness and expression of the impact of co-occurring disorders. It is general in nature and designed from a community-based lay perspective. It is typically used for brief ½ hour presentation time -- strongly encourage a 45 minute to 1-hour time block to include Q&A as this presentation typically generates lots of audience inquiries. When presenting to audiences that mostly comprise family members, the additional viewing of the FAMILY SUPPLEMENT might be of interest.
- INTERMEDIATE – The TNCODC intermediate presentation builds on the brief presentation with a slightly more in-depth look at the brain science related to co-occurring disorders. It is designed to be more pertinent to bringing awareness and strengthening the knowledge of families and individuals with lived experience as well as professional level staff as it is more treatment specific. It typically requires a 1½ hour block of training time – strongly encourage at least a 2-hour block to include Q&A with participants.
- ADVANCED – The TNCODC advanced presentation takes the general knowledge of the brief presentation and the brain science of the intermediate presentation and steps it up to go more in-depth on the brain science of co-occurring disorders. It is designed to train clinicians, professionals, treatment staff, clinical case managers, and upper level management staff of service provider agencies and private practitioners. It typically requires a 3-hour block of training time – strongly encourage a 3½ - 4-hour block to include Q&A with participants.
- FAMILY SUPPLEMENT - The TNCODC Family supplement presentation is designed to complement the BRIEF presentation. It is general in nature and designed from a community-based lay perspective with the interest of families in mind. It is typically used for brief 1-hour presentation times -- strongly encourage 1¼ - 1½ hour time block to include Q&A.
Please click on the button links provided below to access the presentations.
As TNCODC is funded through a grant contract with the State of Tennessee to provide these educational resources and we are required to track access and outreach data, you will be requested to provide basic contact information prior to being directed to the presentation link.
We encourage you to bookmark the presentation URL for faster access to the presentation following your initial access request.
Click HERE to download sources and citing’s noted within the TNCODC brief, intermediate, advanced, and family supplement presentations
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